Essay Classes by Lucent IAS

Essay Classes by Lucent IAS

Product information

Number of chapters
5 Chapters
Number of contents
33 Contents

Attend Interactive classes of 'Essay Writing' and learn important concepts and techniques to write impeccable Essay on both kind of Topics (GS-centric and Philosophical Essay).

Offer Applied

Dedicated Courses for the 'Essay' paper of upcoming APSC CCE 2023 Main examination.

  1. Classroom programme by Team Lucent IAS focusing on the 'Essay' part of Mains Examination
  2. Understand and implement various apporach in Essay-writing including its dimension and structure
  3. Model Essays from Toppers provided along with this course (Non-downloadable PDF)
  4. In every session, a set of specific topic of will be discussed interactively with the class participants

Honorary Guest Faculty: Mr. Ricky Lahkar Pradhan, (AIR: 230, UPSC CSE 2023)

Course Curriculum