Saadhana Test Series 2024-25

Saadhana Test Series 2024-25

Product information

Number of chapters
10 Chapters
Number of contents
42 Contents
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Why Saadhana Test Series:
  1. Total 57 questions of Saadhana Test Series were in common with the APSC CCE 2023-24 Prelims Exam
  2. Another 10 questions were partially common from Saadhana Test Series in APSC CCE 2023-24 Prelims Exam
  3. Download Previous year Prelims Question Paper Analysis: Click here to read the Analysis
Course Content:
  • 10 Full-length Prelims GS-1 Mock Tests for APSC CCE 2024-25
  • 5 Sectional Assam-centric Tests for APSC CCE 2024-25
  • 3 CSAT Full-length Tests (Prelims GS-2) for APSC CCE 2024-25
  • 7 Sectional Tests for APSC CCE 2024-25:
    • 2 Sectional Tests of Polity
    • 1 Sectional Test of Geography and Env & Ecology
    • 1 Sectional Test of Ancient India & Art & Culture
    • 1 Sectional Test of Science & Tech & Env & Ecology
    • 1 Sectional Test Modern Indian History
    • 1 Sectional Test of Indian Economy (Basics + Economic Survey of India and Assam)
Free Tests Available in this Course:
  • 3 GS-1 Mock tests from previous year

  • 2 Assam-centric Mock Tests from previous year

  • 2 CSAT Mock Tests from previous year
Course Features:
  1. A set of comprehensive test series for APSC CCE 2024-25 Prelims
  2. Contains very highly exam-centric questions with detailed solutions.
  3. Two re-attempts allowed for each test (total 3 Attempts)
  4. Assess your performance in the competition through the leaderboard 
  5. Download Explanation after attempting the Tests (terms and conditions applied)
Sectional Tests Schedule:

Tems & Conditions:

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  1. By purchasing this course, a user agrees not to copy and share the content of this course in any format: printed or digital with any third party.
  2. The Explanation PDFs of the Test Series will have the users details (Name, Email & Mobile Number) printed at top of the PDF. Based on this identification, if any user is found to have violated the agreement by sharing the PDFs online or selling the course content in a photocopy shop/establishment, the account of the user will be blocked and no refund of the course fee will be allowed.
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The aforementioned Terms and Conditions of 'Usage of Course Content' are governed by the laws of India. All disputes and legal matters and issues shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Gauhati High Court, Assam. 


For any queries, call/WhatsApp: 6913007777 or 7099006849.

Course Curriculum